Felipe Araya

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Civil Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin (2020).

Magíster en Ciencias de la Ingeniería Civil, Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María.

Ingeniero Civil, Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, Valparaíso, Chile.

Jerarquía Académica: Profesor Asistente
correo: felipe.araya@usm.cl | oficina: C-316

Asignaturas Dictadas
Programación de Obras (Construccion Civil)

Estática de Estructuras (Ingenieria Civil)

Construccion General (Ingenieria Civil)

Fundamentos de Ingeniería de Construcción y Administración (Ingenieria Civil)

Administracion de la Construccion (Construccion Civil)

Modelacion de Sistemas de Infraestructura (Optativo Ingenieria Civil/Magister)

Topicos de Investigacion

Sistemas de Infraestructura

  • Gestion de infraestructura como sistemas interdependientes en contextos de corto y largo plazo.
  • Gestion sostenible de infraestructura
  • Inclusion de comuniodades locales en la gestion de sistemas de infraestructura
  • Gestion integrada de multiples sistemas de infraestructura

Ingenieria y Gestion de la Construccion

  • Ingenieria y Gestion de la construccion
  • Impacto del COVID-19 en la construccion
  • Aplicacion de metodos cualitativos para mejorar gestion en la construccion
  • Rol de las personas en la construccion

Estudiantes de Postgrado

Sebastian Vasquez

Estudiantes de Pregrado (Trabajando en su memoria de titulacion)

Construccion Civil

Engelbert Santibanez

Katherine Olivares

Valeria Olivari

Felipe Jaramillo

Katia Ogalde

Camila Olave

Paula Poblete

Gisela Gonzalez

Tatianhe Urbina

Victor Bravo

Alexander Weishaupt

Catalina Belmonte

Maicol Narea

Pablo Guajardo

Ignacio Torrealba

Ingenieria Civil

Gianina Hidalgo

Cristobal Loyola

Pedro Paez

Nicole Figueroa

Nivaldo Calabran

Nicolas Escobar

Diego Basualto

Publicaciones en Revistas con Comité Revisor

2024Exploring Perceptions toward Emotional Intelligence in Chilean Construction Using a Qualitative Approach , Páez, Pedro; Araya, Felipe; Salazar, Luis Arturo; Giménez, Zulay; Sánchez, Omar; Sierra-Varela, Leonardo; Neculman, BriguitteF. Araya
L. Salazar
P. Páez
Construcción y Transporte
2024Exploring the Influence of Construction Companies Characteristics on Their Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic in the Chilean Context , Araya, Felipe; Poblete, Paula; Salazar, Luis Arturo; Sánchez, Omar; Sierra-Varela, Leonardo; Filun, ÁlvaroF. Araya
L. Salazar
P. Poblete
Construcción y Transporte
2023Assessing the Impact of Water Contamination Events on the Willingness to Pay for Improved Water Quality in Shrinking Cities , Miriam Tariq, Felipe Araya, Marc A. Edwards, and Kasey M. Faust*F. ArayaConstrucción y Transporte
2023Asset Valuation Model for Highway Rigid Pavements Applicable in Public–Private Partnerships Projects , Arce, Luis; Delgadillo, Rodrigo; Osorio-Lird, Alelí; Araya, Felipe; Wahr, Carlos
R. Delgadillo
A. Osorio
F. Araya
Luis Arce
Construcción y Transporte
2023Beyond the Pipes: Sociotechnical Water and Wastewater Infrastructure Interactions in the Texas Colonias , Araya. F., Singer. R., Charnitski. J., and Faust. F.F. ArayaConstrucción y Transporte
2022Beyond the Pipes: Sociotechnical Water and Wastewater Infrastructure Interactions in the Colonias , Araya. F., Singer. R., Charnitski. J., and Faust. F.F. ArayaConstrucción y Transporte
2022Qualitative Analysis of Social Sustainability of Urban Drainage Systems in Chile , Hidalgo. G*., Vasquez. S**., and Araya. FF. ArayaG. Hidalgo (pre)
S. Vásquez (MCIC)
Construcción y Transporte
2022Integration of discrete event simulation with other modeling techniques to simulate construction engineering and management: An overview. Journal of Construction , F. ArayaF. ArayaConstrucción y Transporte
2022Challenges, Drivers, and Benefits to Integrated Infrastructure Management of Water, Wastewater, and Transportation Systems , F. Araya, Sebastián VásquezF. ArayaS. Araya
Construcción y Transporte
2022Modeling the influence of multiskilled construction workers in the context of the covid-19 pandemic using an agent-based ap-proach , F. ArayaF. ArayaConstrucción y Transporte
2021Influence Between COVID-19 Impacts and Project Stakeholders in Chilean Construction Projects , Araya Felipe and Sierra LeonardoF. ArayaConstrucción y Transporte
2021Consideration of uncertainty and multiple disciplines in the determination of sustainable criteria for rural roads using neutrosophic logic , Sierra Leonardo, Araya Felipe, Yepes VictorF. ArayaConstrucción y Transporte
2021Challenges faced by Women in Construction: A State-of-the-Art Review and Discussion in the Chilean Context , Araya, Felipe F. ArayaConstrucción y Transporte
2021Agent-Based Model of Hosting Communities' Perceptions of Water and Wastewater Infrastructure During the German Refugee Crisis , Araya, Felipe., Faust, Kasey., and Kaminsky, JessicaF. ArayaConstrucción y Transporte
2021Modeling Working Shifts in Construction Projects using an Agent-Based Approach to Minimize the Spread of COVID-19 , Araya, Felipe F. ArayaConstrucción y Transporte
2021Modeling the Spread of COVID-19 on Construction Workers: An Agent-Based Approach , Felipe Araya F. ArayaConstrucción y Transporte
2020Agent based modeling: a tool for construction engineering and management? , Felipe Araya F. ArayaConstrucción y Transporte
2020Perceptions versus Reality: Assessing Residential Water Conservation Efforts in the Household , Felipe Araya, Khalid Osman, and Kasey Faust F. ArayaConstrucción y Transporte
2020Subjective versus Objective Energy Burden: A Look at Assessing Residential Energy Poverty , Chinelo Agbim, Felipe Araya, Kasey Faust, and Dana HarmonF. ArayaConstrucción y Transporte
2020Exploring a Quantitative and Qualitative Mixed Approach for Estimating Preliminary Engineering Efforts of Bridge Replacement Projects , F Araya, K Faust, N Khwaja, WJ O’Brien, X Liang, MK BurF. ArayaConstrucción y Transporte
2020Understanding hosting communities as a stakeholder in the provision of water and wastewater services to displaced persons , Felipe Araya, Kasey Faust, Jessica A.KaminskyF. ArayaConstrucción y Transporte
2019State of the art of the use of BIM for resolution of claims in construction projects , F. ArayaF. ArayaConstrucción y Transporte
2019Optimal Location of Crashing Plants for Transportation of Base Course Material during the Construction Phase: A Case Study from a South American Project , Felipe Araya, Alfredo VilaF. ArayaConstrucción y Transporte
2019Public perceptions from hosting communities: The impact of displaced persons on critical infrastructure , Araya, F., Faust, K.M., Kaminsky, J.A.F. ArayaConstrucción y Transporte
2016Towards zero-process waste through supply chain integration in steel construction , F. Araya, J. Abarza, R. Gasto, L.E. BernoldF. Araya
L. Bernold
R. Gasto
Estructuras y Mecánica de Suelos
2012Caracterización Reológica Avanzada de Betunes Tradicionales y Modificados utilizados actualmente en Chile , F. Araya, A. González, R. Delgadillo, C. Wahr, G. García, R. ZúñigaR. Delgadillo
G. García
C. Wahr
F. Araya
Construcción y Transporte

Proyectos con Financiamiento Externo

Proyectos con el nombre en énfasis indican que soy Responsable del mismo.

Año concursoTipo ProyectoN° proyectoTítulo principalInvestigadores DOOCCEstado
2020FONDEFID20I10072Metodología de Valorización del Patrimonio Vial de una Carretera, Compatible con el Nivel de Servicio a los UsuariosR. Delgadillo
; F. Araya; A.Osorio;

Estudiantes de Magíster Actualmente en el Programa

El siguiente es el listado de los estudiantes actualmente estudiando en el Programa de Magíster [table “5” not found /]

Estudiantes de Magíster Graduados

[table “6” not found /]

Publicaciones en Revistas Academicas

*: indica participacion de estudiante USM


13. Araya. F. (2022). Integration of discrete event simulation with other modeling techniques to simulate construction engineering and management: An overview. Journal of Construction, in press. https://doi.org/10.7764/RDLC.21.2.352.

12. Araya. F, and Vasquez. S*. (2022). Challenges, Drivers, and Benefits to Integrated Infrastructure Management of Water, Wastewater, and Transportation Systems. Sustainable Cities and Society. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scs.2022.103913

11. Araya. F. (2022). Modeling the influence of multiskilled construction workers in the context of the covid-19 pandemic: an agent based-approach. Journal of Construction, 21(1), 105-117. https://doi.org/10.7764/RDLC.21.1.105.

10.  Araya. F, and Sierra. L. (2021). Influence Between COVID-19 Impacts and Project Stakeholders in Chilean Construction Projects. Sustainability 2021, 13(18), 10082; https://doi.org/10.3390/su131810082

9. Sierra. L, Araya. F, Yepes. V. (2021). Consideration of uncertainty and multiple disciplines in the determination of sustainable criteria for rural roads using neutrosophic logic. Sustainability 2021, 13(17), 9854. https://doi.org/10.3390/su13179854

8. Araya. F. (2021). Modeling Working Shifts in Construction Projects using an Agent-Based Approach to Minimize the Spread of COVID-19. Journal of Building Engineering, 102413, 2021. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jobe.2021.102413

7. Araya. F, Faust. K, Kaminsky. J. (2021). Agent-Based Model of Hosting Communities' Perceptions of Water and Wastewater Infrastructure During the German Refugee Crisis. Journal of Management in Engineering from ASCE. 10.1061/(ASCE)ME.1943-5479.0000938

6. Araya. F. (2021). Modeling the spread of COVID-19 on construction workers: An agent-based approach. Safety Science, Elsevier, Volume 133, January 2021, 105022. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ssci.2020.105022

5. Araya. F, Osman. K, Faust. K. (2020). Perceptions versus Reality: Assessing Residential Water Conservation Efforts in the Household, Resources, Conservation & Recycling Journal, Elsevier, Volume 162, November 2020, 105020. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.resconrec.2020.105020 

4. Agbim. C, Araya. F, Faust. K, and Harmon. D. (2020). Subjective versus Objective Energy Burden: A Look at Assessing Residential Energy Poverty, Energy Policy Journal, Elsevier, Volume 144, September 2020, 111616. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enpol.2020.111616

3. Araya. F, Faust. K, Khwaja. N, O’Brien. W, Liang. X. (2020). Exploring a Quantitative and Qualitative Mixed Approach for Estimating Preliminary Engineering Efforts of Bridge Replacement Projects. Transportation Research Record. https://doi.org/10.1177/0361198120917677.

2. Araya. F, Faust. K, Kaminsky. J. (2020). Understanding hosting communities as a stakeholder in the provision of water and wastewater services to displaced persons. Journal of Sustainable Cities and Society from Elsevier. Volume 57, June 2020, 102114. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scs.2020.102114

1. Araya. F, Faust. K, Kaminsky. J. (2019). Public Perceptions from Hosting Communities: The Impact of Displaced Persons on Critical Infrastructure. Journal of Sustainable Cities and Society from Elsevier. Volume 48, July 2019, 101508. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scs.2019.101508


8. Araya. F., Singer. R., Charnitski. J., and Faust. F. (2023). Beyond the Pipes: Sociotechnical Water and Wastewater Infrastructure Interactions in the Colonias. Journal of Sustainable Water in the Built Environment. https://doi.org/10.1061/JSWBAY.0001000 

7. Hidalgo. G*., Vasquez. S*., and Araya. F. (2022). Qualitative Analysis of Social Sustainability of Urban Drainage Systems in Chile. Hábitat Sustentable, 12(1), 44–57. https://doi.org/10.22320/07190700.2022.12.01.03 

6. Araya. F. (2021). The Influence of Changes in Construction Productivity: A State of the Art Review. Journal of Construction Engineering, 36(3), pp 268-273, 2021. http://dx.doi.org/10.7764/RIC.00001.21

 5. Araya. F. (2021). Challenges faced by Women in Construction: A State-of-the-Art Review and Discussion in the Chilean Context. Journal of Construction Engineering. Vol Abril 2021. http://dx.doi.org/10.4067/S0718-50732021000100014

4. Araya. F. (2020). Agent Based Modeling: A Tool for Construction Engineering and Management? Journal of Construction Engineering. Vol 35 (2), pp 111-118, August 2020. http://dx.doi.org/10.4067/S0718-50732020000200111.

3. Araya. F. (2019). State of the art of the use of BIM for resolution of claims in construction projects. Journal of Construction Engineering. Vol 34 (3), pp 299-306, December 2019. <http://dx.doi.org/10.4067/S0718-50732019000300299.>

2. Araya. F, Abarza, J. Gasto. R, Bernold,L. (2016). Toward Zero-Process Waste through Supply Chain Integration in Steel Construction. Journal of Construction Engineering. (31), pp 75-82, August 2016. http://dx.doi.org/10.4067/S0718-50732016000200001

1. Araya. F, Gonzalez. A, Degadillo. R, Wahr. C, Garcia. G. (2012). Advanced Rheological Characterization of Traditional and Modified Asphalts Currently Employed in Chile. Construction Engineering Magazine. (27), pp 198-210, December 2012. http://dx.doi.org/10.4067/S0718-50732012000300006

Articulos con otras Indexaciones

1. Araya. F., Vila, Alfredo. Base Course Construction Cost Optimization Model: A Case Study from a Highway Project in South America. Journal of Construction and Civil Engineering vol 9(1) 2019. http://www.rioc.cl/index.php/RIOC/article/view/09_01_01

Publicaciones y Presentaciones en Conferencias

17. Vasquez. S* and Araya. F. (2022). Exploring Challenges to Implement an Integrated Urban Infrastructure Management Approach. Construction Research Congress, Arlington, Virginia, USA, March 9-March 12, 2022. https://doi.org/10.1061/9780784483954.025

16. Spearing. ., Thelemanque. N., Araya. F., Kaminsky. J., and Faust. K. (2022). “How the Status Quo at Water Utilities is Associated with Resilience: Connecting Pre-Existing Characteristics to Impacts during the COVID-19 Pandemic”. Construction Research Congress, Arlington, Virginia, USA, March 9-March 12, 2022. https://doi.org/10.1061/9780784483954.026

15.  Vasquez. S*., Araya. F., and Ramirez. H. Estudio Exploratorio de los Impactos de la Pandemia del COVID-19 en el Aprendizaje de Estudiantes de Ingeniería. XXXIII Congreso Chileno de Educación en Ingeniería. Valdivia, Chile. 27-29 de octubre 2021.

14. Sierra. L, Araya. F, and Yepes. V. Consideration of Uncertainty and multiple disciplines in the determination of sustainable criteria of rural roads using the neutrosophic logic. 25th International Congress on Project Management and Engineering. Alcoi, Spain. July 7-9, 2021. (Jaume Blasco Award for Innovation).

13. Araya. F, Sierra. L. and Basualto. D*. Identifying the Impacts of COVID-19 on Chilean Construction Projects. Annual Conference of the Canadian Society of Civil Engineers, Online event, Canada, May 26-29, 2021.

12. Vasquez. S* and Araya. F. Identifying the Level of Development of Integrated Urban Infrastructure Management Practices in Chile.  Annual Conference of the Canadian Society of Civil Engineers, Online event, Canada, May 26-29, 2021.

11. Araya. F, Tariq. M, and Faust. K. Do Water Contamination Events Impact Willingness to Pay for Improved Water Quality in Shrinking Cities? EPOC Conference (Virtual) October 21-23, 2020

10. Araya. F, Faust. K, Kaminsky. J. Decision Making Framework for Participatory Planning: Providing Water Infrastructure Services to Displaced Persons. Construction Research Congress, Arizona, AZ, USA, March 8-March 10, 2020.

9. Araya. F, Faust. K, Khwaja. N, O’Brien. W, Liang. X. Estimation of Preliminary Engineering Efforts of Bridge Replacement Projects: Exploring a Quantitative and Qualitative Mixed Approach (Poster: presentation number 20-04874). Transportation Research Board 99th Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C. January 16-20, 2020.

8. Araya. F, and Faust. K. Assessment of Water Infrastructure Interaction in US Informal Settlements. Canadian Society of Civil Engineers, Montreal, Canada, June 12-June 15, 2019.

7. Araya. F, Osman. K, Spearing. L, and Faust. K. Assessing the Influence of Household Characteristics on Water Conservation Behaviors in Austin, Texas. Canadian Society of Civil Engineers, Montreal, Canada, June 12-June 15, 2019.

6. Araya. F, Faust. K, Kaminsky. J. Permanent vs Temporary Infrastructure Solutions: Hosting communities’ Perceptions toward Methods of Provision on Water Services to Displaced Persons. Construction Research Congress, New Orleans, LA, USA, April 2-April 5, 2018.

5. Araya. F, Faust. K, Kaminsky. J. Public Perceptions toward the Impact of Displaced Persons in Germany on Water and Wastewater Systems. Canadian Society of Civil Engineers, Vancouver, Canada, May31-June3, 2017.

4. Araya. F, Degadillo. R, Garcia. G, Wahr. C. Study of Materials for Asphaltic Overlays used in the Maintenance of Damaged Pavements. National Congress Provial, Valdivia, Chile, October 20-24, 2014.

3. Araya. F, Garcia. E, Delgadillo, R. Garcia. G, Wahr,W. Master Curves Parameters from Chilean Asphalts. XVII Ibero-Latin American Congress of Asphalt, Antigua-Guatemala, November 17-22, 2013.

2. Araya. F, Gonzalez. A, Degadillo. R, Wahr. C, Garcia. G. Advanced Rheological Characterization of Traditional and Modified Asphalts Currently Employed in Chile. National Congress Provial, Santiago, Chile, October 8-11, 2012.

1. Alarcon, J. Araya. F, Degadillo, R. Warh, C. Modeling Deformation and Stresses in Asphaltic Overlays over Damaged Pavements. National Congress Provial, Santiago, Chile, October 8-11, 2012.

Acreditación Magíster