The Department of Civil Engineering at Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, in Valparaíso, Chile, is seeking an outstanding individual for a tenure-track position at the level of Assistant or Associate Professor, depending on the qualifications of the candidates. Candidates with expertise in one of the areas of civil engineering such as highway engineering, construction engineering , structural and earthquake engineering, hydraulic engineering or geotechnical engineering are encouraged to apply. The position is available as early as March 1, 2020, or upon completion of the vacant.
Applicants should have a Ph.D. in Civil Engineering or a closely related discipline. The successful candidate will teach both undergraduate and graduate level courses. They will also be expected to establish a strong externally-funded research program, supervise graduate students, and foster existing or new collaborations with other departments and faculties. Evidence of teaching experience is desirable. Proficiency in spanish is desired, but not required, although it is expected that the successful candidate to be proficient within a two year period.
Interested applicants should submit a cover letter of interest, curriculum vitae, a research dossier that includes a statement of research interests and a research proposal; a teaching philosophy statement; and the name of at least three references with contact information.
Complete applications can be submitted to (cc-ing
Review of applications will begin on December 01, 2019.
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